Monday, October 10, 2005

Fall Break

Here I go again on my own... walking down the only road I've ever known... like a drifter, I was born to walk alone... well you know the rest. So I'm back- it took me a little while to figure out how to post another blog (I'm not exactly what you would call "computer savvy") but I will try to remember what I did so next time it won't take so long. Well, I am currently sitting at home because school is out for FALL BREAK which is quite possibly one of the best ideas to ever hit the department of education since recess. I have got a couple different college visits lined up for this week (Georgetown college tomorrow, Boyce and Louisville on Thursday). I am really pumped about getting out of high school and going to college... but I am not excited in the least bit about filling out applications and scholarship papers. I want to stick around pretty close to home (Frankfort) during my college years because I don't want to give up my home church (Buck Run Baptist) or musical groups (such as The Josh Martin Band) so that has narrowed down my search quite a bit. I would love to study church music and then go to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and study to become a music minister- I really feel that God is leading me in that direction (I'm just not sure where He wants me to start!). Oh, since my last post The Josh Martin Band lead worship at the first ever Crossings for Kids at Cedarmore. (Actually I suppose the first ever was the previous weekend at Jonathan Creek but this was the first to take place in my neck of the woods). It was a really awesome experience and it is always amazing to see God working in the hearts of younger children. Well, that's all I have at the moment. Go sign up for the message boards and post stuff!!!

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