Thursday, September 14, 2006

Coming soon..........

Bert and myself attend church at Harvest Community Church. I just wanted to let you guys know that on or church's website in the next few weeks there we will be putting up our weekly sermons and a "Learning Biblical Theology" class that Pastor Kevin and myself are teaching on monday nights this fall. You don't have to have a seminary education to understand what we are talking about (I'm teaching, it can't be too hard to understand!). You will be able to check this out in the next week or so. You can access the site by clicking on the link for Harvest Community Church on our links page. Later.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

"A Year With the Parents"

I had discussed briefly on the message board a few months ago about putting together some resources for Youth Workers. In November I will be making the first of these resources available for anyone who wants them. The first series will be titled, "A Year with the Parents". This will be a monthly Bible Study starting in January that youth workers can send to the parents of their youth. It will stress the importance of parent's knowing and being involved in their child's spiritual growth. These bible studies will hopefully encourage and edify parents as well as shaking up some of the apathetic ones. Be watching for this series in November. You will be able to download it right from our website completely free. If you are a parent of a youth or if you are a youth worker, I strongly encourage you to do this. God Bless!