Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What yonder lurks?

Well it had actually been a while since I had even looked on here. I happened upon D's challenge to the other band members and since I'm not on a cruise at this moment (as much as I would love to be) I thought I would give a little fight here. As a thirty-one year old married mailman/musician...not much goes on in my day to day life. I had a conversation with Josh the other day about his new blog and he suggested that I should start one of my own. Trust me......there's not much to know. I will admit....I am probably the most boring member of The Josh Martin Band. However if I were to start a blog this is pretty much how it would go: Got out of bed this morning.....Thank you Lord! Went to work at the Post Office today......Thank you Lord? Spent most of the day trying to out run dogs...... Delivered some mail in the process...... Went home from work......Thank you Lord!!!! Kissed the wife.......Thank you Lord!!!!!!! Decided to eat cereal instead of a real meal again..... Spent some time reading the Word.......THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!!!! Hit the couch for Deal or No Deal or whatever reality show is on...... Fell Asleep on the couch not too long after sitting down...Thank you Lord! Hit the bed........Thank you Lord!!!!! and........... .......... .......... REPEAT I look at is pretty depressing....maybe I should challenge myself to shake it up a little. But not tonight.....there is a good show coming on and I need to get off of here and find the couch. God Bless!!!!!! Kelly

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