Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Drummer Checks In

Well, well, well. I don't post here for a while, and it seems Derek's trying to take over the place. Not so fast! As he mentioned earlier - yes, I have my own blog, and I've been fairly busy with my full-time and part-time jobs lately. So, I'll give my best attempt to update our faithful fans with what I've been doing. For JMB, I've worked on the first mix of our live DVD (and CD?) recording. After gathering some input from the band, I'm now moving into the editing stage and mix #2. Since I operate a recording business on the side, I've yet to be able to do this due to other concerts and projects I've been working on (sorry guys!). I should be able to start mix #2 this week. My job as a graphic artist is keeping me busy, as well. It's our busy time of the year, and I've taken on more responsibility lately. The good thing is, it makes the day go by fast. Last weekend, I had the opportunity to meet the keyboard player from MercyMe, Jim Bryson. I do work for a lady that went to high school with him, and she was able to introduce him to me before their concert at Rupp Arena. Not only did I get to meet him, but he also took my roommate and me on stage to check out his setup. While on stage, I also checked out the drums (of course). Jim's a super nice guy. Hopefully, I'll get the meet the rest of the guys the next time they come close. So... there you go. That's what's been going on with the drummer. How 'bout the rest of the band (besides Kelly, who already posted). Down with the revolution! - Andrew

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