Friday, April 18, 2008

Together For The Gospel

This week I was fortunate to attend the Together for the Gospel conference in Louisville, KY. This conference is the best conference I have ever been to. They have only had 2 of them and I have been able to attend both. This last one was especially cool from a JMB standpoint because I was able to give one of our DVDs to John Piper. I have been a long time fan of his writings and have written several songs after having read his books. Songs like "Get up to a high Mountain", "Not so easily pleased", and "Wrap me in your cross". I don't know if he will ever listen to it. He may be thinking, "What kind of freak is this guy!" But either way, if someone had written a song after something that I had written, I would at minimum be curious. I don't really expect to hear from him or anything because he is a very, very busy guy. But I felt like he should at least be aware of it. If not here, he will be aware of his impact on folks like me in eternity. God has really used Dr. Piper to show me that I have way to small of an image of God. By His grace that is changing.

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