Friday, February 09, 2007

My top 5 JMB songs.....

It's a little weird to rank songs that you have written but here goes.... 5. "One True Healer".......Although we don't do this song much anymore, it is still one of my favorite songs. I very much dislike the way I sound on that song but there is a meaning there that I hope that those who hear it will understand. All of us are looking for something to "heal" us. We're all broken by the affects of sin. Sin has broken everything. There is only one true healing that we will ever experience. And it is only found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. 4. "Clumsy Believer"..........This is a relatively new one and has not yet been recorded officially. But it really spells out how I feel sometimes. Plus it has a line from on of my favorite hymns, "Come thou fount of every blessing". 3. "Mexico Breeze"......No, that is not the name of the latest military operation, it is one of my favorites. Mexico will always hold a special place in my heart and that song is very nostalgic for me. 2. "Get up to a high mountain"..........I love this song. This is my favorite song all around. You are probably thinking, "why is it #2 then?" Well, I'm glad you asked because #1 right now is............... 1. "Christ is our Life"..........This is a new song for us. We haven't played it out yet but will hopefully do that this weekend. I normally wouldn't rank a new song at #1 but I think this song has really captured what has been going on in my life in the last few months. I struggle with idolizing things. And you do too, even if you don't think so. Most sins are double doses of problems. Here is what I mean by that; Greed has the power to keep you from knowing that you are greedy. Idols have the power to keep you from knowing you have idols. We struggle with things and we know that we do, but there are sins hidden deep within us that have become so much of our normal day life, that we don't even have a clue to their affect on us. The only way we can see this is to have the gospel break our hearts just like it did when we where first saved. I will be posting more about this song in a full length post but until then, this is my list of songs, be that as it may. Now that I have done my list, I guess we are just waiting for the rest of the guys................

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