Friday, January 12, 2007

Apologetics Friday--Part 1

Dr. Rick Cornish has published a series of books that are great tools for quickly getting a grasp of subjects. The books that I know of are called, "5 Minute Apologist", "5 Minute Theologian", and "5 Minute Church Historian". They give you the barebones facts about events, doctrines, or whatever. "5 Minute Apologist" is the one that I personally own and have used some of his teachings with my youth group. I recommend picking this little book up and reading it and referencing it. Especially if you are pressed for time and have a desire for understanding. These little books are great for bible studies and contributing godly answers in a time when everyone sees truth as relative. Here is the first of a series that I have written that I will be teaching the youth in April. I have adapted much information from his book to do so. Enjoy! Some common worldviews 1. Theism 2. Polytheism 3. Deism 4. Atheism 5. Humanism 6. Pluralism 7. Post-modernism 1. Theism Q. What is theism? A. Theism is the belief in one infinite, personal God. Deuteronomy 6:4 1 Corinthians 8:6 Why I am a theist 1. Theism has undeniable evidence. 2. It is the explanation of good and evil. 3. Logic, science, and reason all support theism. 2.Polytheism Q. What is polytheism? A. Polytheism is the belief in many finite, personal gods who rule distinct realms of the universe. (exp. Greek mythology) Problems with polytheism 1. Nature is eternal, not the gods. Therefore, nature has given birth to the Gods which is opposed to God creating nature. 2. The world is an arena of chaotic competition between the gods. Their interests clash with one another. 3. These gods are finite which means they do not live forever. 4. “Multiple gods” fails by definition. There cannot be more than one God or else he is not really god. 5. These gods have the same weaknesses as humans. What is so godlike about that? 3. Deism Q. What is Deism? A. Deism believes that God created the world, but then turned his back and is uninvolved and unconcerned with it. God set the world to run by natural law. Problems with Deism 1. Deism denies miracles because God does not intervene with humanity. The problem with this is that it contradicts itself. Creation of the world from nothing fits into the miracle category. If there are no miracles, then there cannot be a created universe. 2. No consequences for anything. Nothing really matters because we face no judgment, no eternal life, no salvation. 3. Modern science has demonstrated that the universe is not mechanical. The so called “absolute natural laws” are not absolute after all. 4. Atheism Q. What is Atheism? A. Atheism is the belief that there is no God. Problems with Atheism 1. It cannot be affirmed. No one can prove that there isn’t a God. 2. All atheists believe that some things are right and some things are wrong. Without a moral standard given by a holy God, then right and wrong do not exist. They believe things to be evil but cannot give an explanation of what determines it to be evil. There must be a “good” to define a “bad”. 3. They cannot live out their belief. They get angry when people die but cannot explain their anger. They shouldn’t be mad. For an atheist, death should be completely natural. 5. Humanism Q. What is Humanism? A. Humanism is the belief that humans are the supreme being. It is the belief that we find the solutions to life’s problems within ourselves. Problems with Humanism 1. If humans are supreme, which race, gender, color, social status, or genetic make-up determines the path for the human race? 2. Why do we have undesirable traits such as hatred, envy, and pride? If we are God, then shouldn’t these things be changed by our determination? Why aren’t they? 3. At what point did humans discover their divinity? 6. Pluralism Q. What is pluralism? A. Pluralism is the belief that all religions and worldviews are equally valid. Problems with Pluralism 1. Pluralism claims to be an exclusive truth in itself. It contradicts itself. The very thing it tries to overcome, it produces. 2. It violates logic. Jesus and Muhammad cannot both be the only, final source of God’s truth. 3. It destroys morality. This view will lead to spiritual implosion. It would take good and evil and make them the interchangeable with no distinctions between them. 7. Post-Modernism Q. What is post-modernism? A. Post-modernism is the belief that nothing can be absolutely true and it rejects all other worldviews. Problems with Post-modernism 1. Post-modernism is a contradiction within itself. It denies all worldviews but it is a worldview within itself. 2. Everyone believes something. If you reject that last sentence, you reject it because you believe something else. 3. If nothing is absolute, then nothing can be truly known. If you have any questions or would like further explanation of a point, please leave a comment saying so. This is just basically the outline for the first study. Some of it may not make sense without some explanation.

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