Monday, October 02, 2006

LiveBlog: JMB @ Vincinnes Retreat - Day 1

We're just wrapping up the first day of the Vincinnes University campus ministries retreat at Oil Belt Christian Service Camp in Flora, Illinois. The big story here is rain - and lots of it. Some storms have rolled through, but nothing too severe. Word is that it will rain most of the weekend, which puts a "damper" on the situation. Rumor has it, Noah's ark was seen floating in the distance earlier this evening. Never fear! We're still having a great time. Approximately 60 students made the retreat. Matt Walton is this weekend's speaker. We heard an introduction tonight, and we're all looking forward to what God has laid on his heart for the weekend. The full band wasn't able to make last year's trip, but we're in full effect this year. Doug, Bert, and Kelly weren't with us last year, so they're getting the VU experience for the first time. We're also playing with our snappy new soundboard for the first time this weekend. It makes us feel like a real band having a nice, new, very large soundboard. More to come!

1 comment:

neil said...

The idea of scripture interpreting scripture is in fact another form of the mantic or the occult. See