Monday, May 15, 2006

Big Words

I must admit to all of you that I am extremely illiterate when it comes to talking about computers. I know what a monitor is and a keyboard and a mouse. I know what CD-Rom is and I know just enough to check my email and blog. That's about it. Pentium, mega-bites, ram, modem, gigahertz, and Celeron are all words that I have heard but just really don't have a clue what they mean. I have no interest in finding out either. I just found out the other day by experience that you can't play MP3 stuff on a regular CD player. But some of you know what all of these words mean and are probably laughing at the fact that I don't. You may think it is crazy that I am probably using all of those things as I type right now and don't even know it. How in the world could I grow up surrounded by computers and not know what these things are? There are computers at my house, at the office, in my cell phone, on the engine in my car, and we even use one in our church services. How could I be around so much technology without knowing the language? The answer is simple--I just don't care about any of it. I don't care about my computer. I am just using it to serve myself. I don't care what goes on inside of it as long as I can depend on it and it works for me. Hopefully by now this is sounding familiar and you are getting the point of this post. But for those of you who think that this is just more proof that I'm clueless, I will spell it out for you. Justification, sanctification, regeneration, election, propitiation, glorification, the Trinity and imputation should be as common language to Christians as gigahertz and modems are to the technologically advanced. Baseball players know what the DL is, football players know what a touchback is, and christians should know what justification is. There are thousands of terms that we use everyday to explain and communicate our passions. How often do we ignore the truth of God's word because we are too lazy to find out what words like propitiation mean? I think the truth is that we don't know because it has never been taught or we don't care. God's word is not burning in the hearts of pastors so they begin to do cute things to make up for it. To think of what we have traded for humor makes my stomach turn. One of my grandfathers fought in WW2 and the other fought in Korea. When they stepped on the battlefield they knew the hand signals. They knew the codes and they knew the manuevers. They knew the language. We are at war. We better know the codes and we better know the language. Because we must be able to use the full armor of God or we will die.

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