Monday, February 13, 2006

A Word to Ministers (Christians)

As most of you know, I like to read books by either John Piper or dead people. Well, I have recently read a great book by a guy who is still alive that is not named John. Actually it is a co-written work. Mark Dever and Paul Alexander have written a book entitled "The Deliberate Church"--Building your ministry on the Gospel. Incredible book! I read the book a few months ago but while preparing for bible study for wednesday night youth here at Harvest Community, I picked it up again. I have written a series of studies called "Don't Go to Church!" with the implication that WE are the church. I came across a some sentances that I had underlined when I read it and thought I would share them. they are as follows: "But if you define success in terms of faithfulness, then you are in a position to persevere, because you are released from the demand of immediately observable results, freeing you for faithfulness to the Gospel's message and methods leaving numbers to the Lord............God is happiest to entrust his flock to those shepherds who do things His way." Josh

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